Die Europäische Kommission hat für unbemannte Luftfahrzeugsysteme (UAS) weitreichende Regulierungen vorgenommen und am 11. Juni 2019 im Amtsblatt der Europäischen Union veröffentlicht. Es handelt sich um die Durchführungsverordnung 2019/947 für den Betrieb unbemannter Luftfahrzeuge und die delegierte Verordnung 2019/945 über technische Anforderungen an unbemannte Luftfahrzeugsysteme. Beide Verordnungen werden am 1. ... Weiterlesen
News: Europa- und Völkerrecht
For the first time since 2012, the EU Council and the ESA Council held today a Space Council.
The summary by the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the Spanish Presidency of the ESA Council can be found here.
The EU Council Conclusions can be found here.
The German ... Weiterlesen
28 Mai 2019BHO Team
The European Commission has published a study prepared by GMV, SpaceTech Partners, FDC and BHO Legal on the Copernicus Data Policy post 2020. The study provides an evidence-based analysis to inform the stakeholders involved in the current discussions on the future EU space programme. The study investigates potential alternative options ... Weiterlesen
22 Mai 2019BHO Team
On 20 May 2019, BHO Partner Ingo Baumann held a presentation on Legal Aspects of Maritime Cybersecurity at the occasion of the Digital Ocean Symposium | Cyber Security.
The symposium examined key maritime cyber challenges and identified disruptions, attacks, and lessons learned to get a better understanding and forge the framework ... Weiterlesen
21 Mai 2019BHO Team
BHO Legal participated to the Defense Satellites Conference held in Munich on 15 and 16 May 2019. The conference discussed EU Space Policy, GOVSATCOM, SST, current developments in national military satcom programms and issues of space debris. Dr Ingo Baumann supported the discussions with a presentation on the notion of ... Weiterlesen
17 Mai 2019BHO Team
As a contribution to the UAS community, BHO Legal provides a compilation of the terminology used across the EASA Basic Regulation of 2018, the approved Implementing Regulation of 28 February as well as the draft Delegated Regulation adopted by the European Commission in March 2019.
You may download the compilation here. ... Weiterlesen
8 Mai 2019BHO Team
Am 25. April 2019 ist das Gesetz zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie (EU) 2016/943 zum Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen vor rechtswidrigem Erwerb sowie rechtswidriger Nutzung und Offenlegung (kurz Geschäftsgeheimnisgesetz, GeschGehG) im Bundesanzeiger (BGBl I 2019, I, Nr. 19, S. 466 ff.) veröffentlicht worden. Es tritt am 26. April 2019 in Kraft.
Die Veröffentlichung ... Weiterlesen
26 April 2019Dr. Philip Lüghausen
The regulation (EU) 2019/452 of the European Parliament and of the Council, establishing a framework for screening of foreign direct investments into the European Union, was published on 21 March 2019 in the official journal. While leaving the decision on whether to set up a screening mechanism and to screen ... Weiterlesen
25 März 2019Jan-Helge Mey
On 26 June 2018 the Council of European Union, adopted the new basic regulation on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency
This week’s vote of the Council of the European Union concludes the legislative procedure. The regulation will be published in ... Weiterlesen
30 Juni 2018Dr. Oliver Heinrich
On 06. June 2018, the European Commission published a proposal for a Regulation on a Space Programme to boost EU space leadership beyond 2020. For the next long term EU budget 2021 - 2027 the Commission is proposing to devote a budget of € 16 billion on Galileo and EGNOS ... Weiterlesen
8 Juni 2018Dr. Ingo Baumann