Copernicus Data Policy will enter into force in December
The European Commission issued a Press Release on 13 November 2013 that the Delegated Regulation for the Copernicus Data and Information Policy has passed the review by Council and Parliament and will enter into force during December. Under the policy, the EU will provide free, full and open access to environmental data gathered by Copernicus, Europe’s Earth observation system. This will support the vital task of monitoring the environment and will also help Europe’s enterprises creating new jobs and business opportunities.
The Delegated Regulation foresees a set of criteria that will address the protection of the Union and its Member States’ security interests. With that protection in place, the Copernicus open dissemination regime can deliver its full benefit to the downstream industry and users. The Commission will closely monitor the effects of the open dissemination regime and will adjust it if necessary.
The Press Release can be downloaded here: