Warm welcome!

We advise companies and public clients on technology law, in particular in the areas of aerospace, research and development, IT, technology and telecommunications, as well as security and defence. Our practice focuses on national, European and international IT and data protection law, grant and state aid law, public procurement law, national and international contract law and all areas of intellectual property rights (“IPR”).

We rise to the challenge of identifying and answering legal questions concerning tomorrow’s technologies and applications today. Our advisory services are always directly geared to the requirements of our clients and the respective projects. We have the necessary technical knowledge and extensive experience in project management.

BHO Legal was founded in December 2008 by Dr. Ingo Baumann, Dr. Oliver Heinrich and Dr. Roderic Ortner. At that time, the founding partners already looked back on several years of professional experience as legal advisors in research institutions and international law firms as well as partners and managing directors. In 2010, BHO Legal was awarded first prize in the nationwide law firm start-up competition organized by the Hans Soldan Foundation, the German Federal Bar Association, the German Lawyers Association and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. In 2019, the firm celebrated its tenth anniversary. Today, BHO Legal consists of 16 highly specialized professionals with five specialist attorney titles.

Legal expertise

We specialise in selected areas of international business law.

Sector groups

We focus on consulting in diverse sectors of high technology projects.


We regularly offer seminars on current topics

BHO Legal: strategically oriented, tailor-made and committed

We take care of the legal issues on tomorrow’s technology, today.



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Location Munich: