Air and Space Law

The aerospace industry is a key sector of the German economy. Currently, with around 100,000 employees, it involves almost all strategic key technologies and generates an annual sales vol-ume of around 40 billion euros. Suppliers and service companies from Germany are in great demand worldwide.

For many years, we have been advising on complex aerospace projects at national, European and international level (ESA, EU, EUROCONTROL, EASA, ICAO etc.). Our special focus is advising on the awarding of contracts to and for these organisations and institutions and the contrac-tual obligations attaching to such contracts as well as on liability issues. In addition, we have particular experience in the drafting of cross-border consortium, cooperation and other contractual arrangements as well as in the establishment of project companies and joint ventures, including the related issues of competition, antitrust and state aid law.

We support the Federal Ministry of Defence in the procurement of military aircraft and advise the defence industry on international armaments projects. We support civil companies in projects involving the use of drones for special tasks such as the transport of medical equipment. Together with international partners and with funding from the European Commission, we have created information platforms on the Internet on the use of drones in Europe.

We are aware of the financial and often political implications of such projects. Accordingly, we maintain relations with the ministries and public institutions that are important in this area. To round off our range of services, we work closely with technical experts where necessary.

Examples of our work include projects in the following areas:


  • Air Traffic Control
  • Airport infrastructure
  • Aviation research projects
  • Military and civil drones
  • National and EU aviation law


  • Satellite Communications
  • Satellite Navigation
  • Earth Observation, Geoinformation
  • ESA
  • European Commission, European GNSS Agency (GSA)
  • EU Research Framework Programmes
  • National Space Programme
  • Use for military and security purposes
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