European Union Law and Public International Law

High-Technology sectors are strongly influenced by regulatory and law-making activities of international organizations and the European Union in particular. Liberalization of international trade within the World Trade Organization or frequency allocations for new telecommunications services by the International Telecommunication Union offer new market chances.

The European Space Policy supports the market development in the navigation and geo-information sectors. Companies that participate in large projects in these areas also need an understanding of financial regulations or procedures of the competent bodies. It fully fits with our integral approach to advise and assist our clients in all issues which may arise regarding European law or regulatory developments in relevant international organizations.

We have a consistent track record of advising international companies regarding the impact of the transposition of EC standards and regulations on their products and distribution. We work for and with European institutions and actively participate in the law-making process at the European Union level. Therefore, we have gained substantial experience with the workings of relevant institutions and can rely on a well developed professional network.

Articles on this topic:
Wie die Interoperabilitäts-Verordnung die Zusammenarbeit im öffentlichen Sektor stärken soll Am 11. April 2024 ist die Verordnung für ein interoperables Europa („Interoperabilitäts-VO“) in Kraft getreten. Der ...
Nachdem sich das Europäische Parlament am 14.6.2023 auf eine gemeinsame Position zur Regulierung von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) geeinigt hat, befindet sich der Verordnungsentwurf derzeit im ...
Nachdem im Jahr 2021 der erste Entwurf der Kommission für die Verordnung zur Regelung von KI-Systemen vorgestellt wurde (KI-VO), folgte am 28.9.2022 ein Entwurf für ...