Public Procurement Law

We advise both public clients and bidders on a project-by-project basis throughout the entire procurement procedure, including complex PPP awards.

  • Support in the preparation of tender documents, in particular EU tender documents, specifications, evaluation matrices
  • Prevention of corruption in tender procedures
  • Identification of possible award errors
  • Formulation of complaints or replying to complaints
  • Conduct of review proceedings
  • Answering budgetary questions
  • Drafting of contracts (if necessary, taking into account EVB-IT, BVB, V-Modell XT etc.)
  • eAwarding
  • Tendering of concession contracts (electricity and gas) according to § 46 EnWG
  • In-house seminars, training courses on public procurement law (for both public bodies and commercial bidders)
  • Seminars on EVB-IT

Since our foundation, we have advised io more than 200 EU procurement procedures and at least 250 national procurement procedures from the planning stage, through the implementa-tion to the conclusion of the procedure. Our team has already trained more than 50 different institutions in procurement law and we have distinguished ourselves through articles in numer-ous specialist publications and lectures on procurement law.

Articles on this topic:
Die Europäische Kommission plant eine umfassende Überprüfung der bestehenden Vergaberichtlinien. Ziel der Initiative ist es, zu bewerten, ob die geltenden Vorschriften ihre beabsichtigte Wirkung entfalten. Überprüft ...
Das Acquisition International Magazine hat die Gewinner der weltweiten Leading Adviser Awards bekanntgegeben. Unser Partner Dr. Jan Helge Mey wurde für seine Expertise im Weltraumvergaberecht zum  ...
Die Zukunft der Vertragsgestaltung in der IT-Beschaffung? Seit dem 24.09.2024 ist die neue EVB-IT Rahmenvereinbarung auf verfügbar. Wie erwartet, geht dies Hand in Hand mit ...