Frequency Law

We counsel in all frequency relevant questions, such as:

  • Application for frequency license vis-à-vis the Network Agency including application for prolongation of a frequency
  • Conduct legal actions with a view to frequency licenses
  • Draft legal opinions and comments regarding regulatory measures in the context of amendments of the frequency allocation plan, Digital Dividend, GSM-Concept,
  • Frequency Flexibilisation, WAPECS, Trunk Radio etc.
  • Monitoring the European and International regulatory framework with regard to issues relevant to your company, particularly WRC, ECC, CEPT or European Commission (Radio Spectrum Committee, RSC)
  • Legal advice and support concerning interferences of your frequencies through a third party
Articles on this topic:
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Im Koalitionsvertrag der amtierenden Bundesregierung findet sich das Vorhaben, ein Gesetz gegen digitale Gewalt zu verabschieden. Justizminister Marco Buschmann stellte dazu im April diesen Jahres ...
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