
With the advent of modern digital technologies, powerful data storage devices and high-resolution Earth observation satellites, a spectacular change in geoinformation has taken place. It has led to the consolidation of geodata in comprehensive databases and the development of various forms of application, presentations and services from them. Geoinformation has become an economic asset and is gaining increasing economic importance. The EU and the member states have reacted to this development with a variety of activities and specific legislation.

We advise institutions and companies on current legal issues relating to geoinformation, remote sensing and earth observation:

  • Current legal developments (GeoZG, SatDSiG)
  • Data protection
  • Copyright
  • Contract and license terms
  • service level agreements
  • GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security)
  • INSPIRE (Infrastructure for spatial information in Europe)
  • Satellite data, including
  • Flying projects
  • Public procurement law
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