6th Annual Edition of RPAS CivOps Conference
BHO Legal is pleased to announce the 6th annual edition of RPAS CivOps conference which will take place on 16-17 January 2018 at the Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile in Paris, France.
The first drone conference after the publication of the Helsinki Declaration will feature 40 presentations by international speakers from international organisations, European authorities and organisations, as well as national aviation authorities and industry representatives.
This year’s conference is organized within the framework of the European RPAS Roadmap and related ongoing European policy, regulatory, preparatory and awareness creation activities.
It will address operational matters, current & future applications, standard operational scenarios, Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA), operational experience, operator qualification, pilot training & qualification, test range safety rules, data protection & privacy, insurance, and the upcoming EU RPAS regulation.
The presentations will broaden the awareness of current & potential RPAS operators their potential customers, regulatory authorities, manufacturers public authorities and investors.
More information is available here.