Attorney-at-law | Partner
Dr. Jan Helge Mey, LL.M. (McGill)
- +49 221 / 270 956 - 220
- +49 221 / 270 956 - 222
- +49 176 / 458 700 48
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Dr. Jan Helge Mey has been a partner at BHO Legal since February 2019. His main areas of expertise include public procurement law, public commercial law, subsidy and foreign trade law as well as air and space law. After his studies in Cologne and Qingdao (PR China), he specialized in air and space law at McGill University in Montréal (Canada) and subsequently worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Air and Space Law in Cologne. His areas of expertise included European Space Procurement, legal issues related to space debris and protection mechanisms for critical space systems.
After his legal clerkship, with stations at the German Aerospace Center, among others, Jan worked as a lawyer at CMS Hasche Sigle in Cologne in the fields of public procurement, public commercial law, foreign trade law and public-private partnerships. He is a specialist lawyer for public procurement law and advises on the implementation of public procurement procedures, satellite projects and on legal issues concerning drones. His clients include European institutions, federal and local authorities, as well as large and medium-sized companies.
Dr. Jan Mey was honored at the Lexology Client Choice Awards 2024 in the category “Government Contracts”.
- 2024
Doctorate in Law (Dr. jur.) - 2016
Specialist lawyer for Public procurement law - 2013
Degree in German Law (2nd State Exam), Ministry of Justice of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany - 2008
Master of Laws (LL.M.), McGill University, Montréal - 2007
Degree in German Law (1st State Exam) University of Cologne, Germany
Work experience:
- Present
Attorney-at-law and Partner of BHO Legal - 2013 - 2019
Senior Associate at CMS Germany, Cologne - 2011 - 2013
Legal Clerkship, inter alia CMS Deutschland, German Aerospace Center (DLR) - 2008 - 2010
Research Associate at the Institute of Air and Space Law - 2007 - 2009
Secretary to International Arbitral Tribunals (Investor ./. State)
Legal expertise:
- Public procurement law
- State aid law
- Air and Space law
- Public Commercial Law
- Law on Subsidies
- Foreign Trade Law
- German
- English
- French
Publications (selected):
- The EU and ESA rules on public procurement, in: Routledge Handbook of Commercial Space Law, 31 July 2023 (co-author: Dr. Oliver Heinrich)
- Regular publication of reviews for the monthly digest on public procurement law “Literaturbrief – Literaturführer Vergaberecht” of forum Vergabe e.V. on public procurement literature since February 2015.
- Regular discussion of current decisions and relevant developments in public procurement law in BHO Legal’s in-house case law report.
- Industry and Agency Contracts and Procurement, in: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Planetary Science, Oxford University Press (co-authors: Dr. Ingo Baumann, Erik Pellander), in the process of appearing.
- “Unusually low” – Not only the price is hot! (ECJ, judgment of 15.09.2022 – C-669/20 – “Veridos”), (original: „Ungewöhnlich niedrig“ – Nicht nur der Preis ist heiß! (EuGH, Urt. v. 15.09.2022 – C-669/20 – „Veridos“)), in: from 19.12.2022, No. 51799.
- Author of the Kohlhammer Commentary on Public Procurement Law, in particular on Framework agreements, VS awards, commentary on the provisions §§ 21, 81, 82 VgV; §§ 4, 7-9, 14, 35, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45 VSVgV; §§ 12, 13, 19-23, 34-36 KonzVgV; § 4a VOB/A; § 4a VOB/A-EU; § 4 VOL/A; §§ 15, 51 UVgO, in: Heuvels/Höß/Kuß/Wagner (eds.), 2nd edition 2021, Kohlhammer Verlag.
- Net or gross? Reduced VAT rate decides on the award of the contract! (original: Netto oder Brutto? Ermäßigter USt-Satz entscheidet über den Zuschlag!) (VK Bund, Beschl. v. 23.08.2021 – VK 1-84/21), in: from 03/11/2021, No. 48221.
- Insights into Space law in China and translations of Chinese space law, in: SpacewatchGlobal.
- Procurement law and practice in the space industry (original: Vergaberecht und -praxis in der Weltraumindustrie), in: of 01.02.2021, No. 46257 (co-author: Dr. Ingo Baumann).
- The contracting authority has the power when it comes to defining the criteria for limiting the participants! (original: Der Auftraggeber hat die Macht, wenn es um die Definition der Kriterien für die Begrenzung der Teilnehmer geht!), VK Nordbayern, decision dated 01.10.2020 – RMF – SG21-3194-5-36), in: from 18.01.2021, No. 46073.
- Hidden product specification and project prices: a tale about sufficient disclosure efforts of a bidder (original: Verdeckte Produktvorgabe und Projektpreise: eine Geschichte über ausreichende Aufdeckungsbemühungen eines Bieters), OLG München, decision dated 26.03.2020 – Verg 22/149, in: dated 29.06.2020, no. 44378.
- Digital file Berlin: Response expectations must be verifiably established before the opening of the offer (original: Digitale Akte Berlin: Antworterwartungen müssen vor der Angebotsöffnung nachweisbar feststehen), VK Berlin, decision dated 13.03.2020 – VK-B1-36/19, in: dated 04/05/2020, no. 43942.
- How Will New EU Drone Regulations Impact Commercial Operations Across Europe?, interview with COMMERCIAL UAV NEWS,, 7 January 2020.
- Keeping agile – legal challenges in smart cities, The Future of Transportation 2019, pp. 182-184 (co-authors: Gerhard Deiters and Dr. Oliver Heinrich).
- European Union UAS Harmonization Moves Forward – What’s Changed? What Are The Implications?, in: Inside Unmanned Systems June/July 2019, pp.70-73 (co-author: Dr. Oliver Heinrich) and August/September 2019, pp. 54-57.
- EU Commission gets a say on FDIs affecting space programmes and other critical infrastructure, published at dated 25/03/2019.
- Space Debris Remediation: Some Aspects of International Law Relating to the Removal of Space Junk from Earth Orbit, Zeitschrift für Luft- und Weltraumrecht (ZLW), 2012, p. 251-271.
- A Coherent European Procurement Law and Policy for the European Space Sector – Towards a Third Way, Research project of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, edited by S. Hobe/M. Hofmannová/J. Wouters, December 2010 (co-author).
Lectures (selected):
- Legal questions on German “spaceports” as part of Responsive Space Systems (original: Rechtsfragen zu deutschen „Weltraumbahnhöfen“ als Teil von Responsive Space Systemen), German Aerospace Congress, Dresden 2022.[document_id]=570194.
- How can start-ups be better considered in procurement? Legal challenges and solutions (original: Wie können Start-ups bei Beschaffungen besser berücksichtigt werden? Rechtliche Herausforderungen und Lösungen), BDI Symposium BDI Symposium Space and Defence on the occasion of the Munich Security Conference, Munich 2022.
- Legal aspects concerning a German spaceport (original: Rechtliche Fragestellungen bezüglich eines deutschen Weltraumbahnhofs), German aerospace congress (Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress), Bremen 2021.
- The new EU drone rules – how to continue your business after 2020 (Original: The new EU drone rules – how to continue your business after 2020), INTERGEO IAS, Stuttgart 2019.