Johannes Vogel

Attorney-at-law | Partner

Johannes Vogel has been a partner at BHO Legal since January 2021 and is a specialist in intellectual property law. He has more than 20 years of experience in advising and representing national and international clients in the areas of intellectual property law (patent, trademark and design law), copyright law, IT law, distribution law as well as competition and antitrust law. Another focus of his practice is product compliance (product safety and labeling) as well as assisting clients in their operational business, in particular in purchasing and supply agreements as well as distribution, licensing and cooperation agreements. He is an experienced litigator, in the field of intellectual property he was active in the preliminary instances of several leading decisions of the German Federal Court of Justice. In addition, Attorney Vogel was party representative in international arbitration and mediation proceedings (DIS, ICC and UNCITRAL). His clients include medium-sized companies and large international corporations, primarily in the IT, automotive, mechanical engineering and toolmaking, chemical, advertising, retail and consumer goods sectors.

Mr. Vogel studied law at the University of Cologne. During his studies, he worked for a software company as a product manager for a machine translation program from 1990 to 1994. Since the beginning of his legal career, he has been particularly interested in intellectual property law and related fields of law. During his legal clerkship, he worked in the field of patent law at the Chamber for Copyright and Press Law at the Regional Court of Cologne, at a Cologne media law firm and at the London law firm Bristows. After his admission to the bar in 1998, he worked for a Düsseldorf commercial law firm, since 2004 as a partner, where he built up the IP/IT department.


  • 2011
    Specialist lawyer for Intelectual Property law
  • 1998
    Degree in German Law (2nd State Exam), Ministry of Justice of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  • 1995
    Degree in German Law (1st State Exam) University of Cologne, Germany

Work experience:

  • Present
    Attorney-at-law and Partner of BHO Legal
  • 1998 – 2020
    Attorney-at-law and Partner of Busekist Winter & Partner
  • 1996
    Trainee lawyer, inter alia, at the 28th Civil Chamber of the Regional Court of Cologne, responsible for copyright and press law, and at the London law firm Bristows, patent law department (4 months)
  • 1990 – 1994
    Product manager at HEI-SOFT Computer & Software GmbH

Legal expertise:


  • German
  • English

Publications (selection):

  • Interpretation of the term “new customers” within the meaning of the Commercial Agents Directive (original: Auslegung des Begriffs „neue Kunden“ im Sinne der Handelsvertreterrichtlinie), Comment on BGH 7th Civil Senate, ECJ submission of 14.05.2014 – VII ZR 328/12, in: juris Praxis-Report HaGesR 11/2014.
  • Scope of a commercial agent’s right to be provided with documents necessary for the performance of his activities (original: Umfang des Anspruchs eines Handelsvertreters auf Überlassung von zur Tätigkeitsausübung erforderlichen Unterlagen), Comment on BGH 8th Civil Senate, judgment of 04.05.2011, VIII ZR 11/10, in: juris Praxis-Report HaGesR 7/2011.
  • Corresponding application of the provision of Sec. 89b HGB tailored to commercial agents to trademark licensees (original: Entsprechende Anwendung der auf Handelsvertreter zugeschnittenen Bestimmung des § 89b HGB auf Markenlizenznehmer („JOOP!“)), Comment on BGH 1st Civil Senate, Judgment of 29.04.2010, I ZR 3/09, in: juris Praxis- Report HaGesR 11/2010.